The River Art Gallery is an on line purchasing solution and service provider for private clients. Our aim is to deliver a mutually profitable communication between artist and collectors. The role of the gallery, "Sales Representative", or "art dealer" is to effect communication and sales. We provide tools to help with this function.
If anyone can purchase a work of art on line, then why should they continue to use the service of an agent, gallery, or art dealer? To start with, sales on line are suspended at such time as an exclusive agreement with an artist and gallery or agent is in place. As an on-going policy all authorized representatives get a 5% discount they may provide for their purchaser. Therefore keeping relationships with galleries and art dealers is a profitable advantage to the purchaser. The agents we work with are privileged in receiving unpublished opportunities advantageous to collectors. This includes: (private issue) Limited Edition Prints (pre-publication access) Hand Made Limited Edition Books (pre-publication access) New Art Agents package: e-mail newsletter e-mail invitation for special events PDF Catalogue (Private Advance Access) 5% discount on all sales (does not effect agent/gallery %) Agents password protected area for discount credit card processing 5% Finder's Fee ( Invertors ) 10% Sales Representative's Fee 15% Advanced Sales Representative's Fee 30% Gallery's Fee more than 30% based on delivery of wealth building abilities Use contact to request access to Sales representative agreement. ![]() 5% Referred Purchase Page This is a password protected page where you will access information and links to supporting materials. The password keeps it unpublished. There is an on line order option for you or your client to (Lock In) a time stamped order for your clients selected works of art. A text space for identifying the art and a 2nd text space where you or the purchaser must enter either a promotional coupon code or an authorized agent's name. The Agent/gallery gets credit for the sale. Provenance, from the French provenir, "to come from", means the origin, or the source, of something, or the history of the ownership. The term is used to describe documentation supporting authentication of works of art. This is essential in maintaining value in the market place. More than ever fakes, and pirated property flood the market. The collectors supporting documents establish "Provenance" or legitimate ownership of an authentic original or limited edition. Authorized purchase is the validation for future re-selling with your Provenance recorded. ![]() |